
B.S. METU; M.A. University of Southern California; Ph.D. University of Southern California


1998- Turkey and the European Union in the Aftermath of The Cold War The Political Economy of Turkey in the Post-Soviet Era (ed.) Libby Rittenberg Westport Praeger, pp.37-50.

1997- Türkiye ve Avrupa. (der.) (ed.) (Turkey and Europe). Ankara: İmge Kitabevi

1996- Devlet, Sistem ve Kimlik (der.) (ed.) (State, System and Identity). Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları.

1996- Facing the Iranian Challenge: Turkey's Relations With Iran After the Islamic Revolution, A Reluctant Neighbour: Analyzing Turkey's Role in the Middle East (ed.) Henri Barkey, United States Institute of Peace Publications.

1994- Forging New Identities Along Old Lines: Turkey and the European Community in the Changing Post-War International System, Towards a European Nation? (eds.) Marx Haller and Rudolph Richter, Sharpe New York.

1994- Turkey in the Changing Post-War World Order: Strategies of Development and Westenization,Developmentalism and Beyond: Economy and Society in Egypt and Turkey, (eds.) Ç.Keyder, S.Ybrahim, A.Öncü, American University Cairo Press (in association with Columbia University Press).

1993- Turkey and the European Community: Prospects for a New Relationship, The Political and Socioeconomic Transformation of Turkey, (eds.) Atila Eralp, Muharrem Tünay, Birol Yeşilada, Praeger Publishers, New York.

1993- Turkey and the European Community in the Changing Post-War International System, Turkey and Europe (eds.) Canan Balkır ve Allen Williams, Pinter Publishers, London.

1992- Turkey and European Community: Forging New Identities Along Old Lines, New Perspectives on Turkey, Fall (This article, which has earlier been mentioned above, was published in this periodical.

1992- Globalleşme ve Parçalanma Eğilimleri, İktisat Dergisi, Ocak-Şubat. (Globalization and Fragmentation, Economic Review, January-February)

Last Updated:
30/08/2020 - 18:25