Mustafa Türkeş

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Türkeş
Oda No: H220
Tel No: +90 (312) 210-3098
Fax No: +90 (312) 210-7983
E-mail: turkes{at}
Öğrenim Bilgileri:
BA., Department of History, Hacettepe University; M. Phil. Department of Middle Eastern Studies, University of Manchester, UK; Ph.D., Department of Middle Eastern Studies, University of Manchester, UK.
Araştırma Alanları:
Turkish Foreign Policy; the Balkans and Eastern Europe; Security Studies; European Security; NATO; International Interventions; Black Sea Security; Cyprus Question; History of Turkey, Kemalism.
Verdiği Dersler:
Diplomacy and International Relations
Issues in Turkish Foreign Policy
The Making of European Security
Politics in East-Central Europe
Politics in the Balkans
Transition from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic
Politics of International Interventions
Tezler / Araştırma Bilgileri:
Yönettiği Doktora Tezleri
9- Tolgahan Akdan, (2023), U.S. Strategies for Accomadating Russia in the Post-Cold War Order and NATO (1989-1999): A Gramscian Analysis of the Role of Neoconservatives, PhD Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
8- Melda Akoğlu Şişman, (2021), The Formation and Transformation of Trade Relations in the European Union (1958-2018), PhD Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
7- Coşkun Soysal, (2020), The Stillborn Neo-Ottomanist Foreign Policy Aspiration of the Özal Era, PhD Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
6- Yahya Gülseven, (2019), Old and new Foreign Aid Architecture, PhD Thesis, Middle East Technical University, March.
5- Aslıhan Anlar, (2014) Security in the Black Sea Region: Continuity and Change, PhD Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
4- S. Elif Özdilek, (2009), European Neighbourhood Policy, As A Hegemonic Project?: The Case of Ukraine, PhD Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
3- D. Arıkan Açar, (2008), Small State Playing the Asymmetric Game: Continuity and Change in the Albanian Foreign Policy. PhD Thesis,Middle EastTechnicalUniversity.
2- Murat Tüzünkan (2007), The Cyprus Question: Continuity, Transformation And Tendencies. PhD Thesis,Middle EastTechnicalUniversity.
1- Sait Akşit (2006), Transformation and The 'Politics of Conditionality': A Comparative Analysis of Poland and Romania, PhD Thesis, Co-Advisor Galip Yalman, Middle East Technical University.
Yönettiği Master Tezleri
36- Bilgesu Tetik, (2023), The Outer Space as a Domain of Competition and Cooperation from the Cold War to Today, MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
35- Merve Kala, (2022), Continuity and Change in the US Foreign Policy toward Kosovo Question, MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
34- Buse Yılmaz, (2021), The Making, Working and Ending of the INF Treaty, MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
33- Arda Soykan, (2020), International Politics and the Wavering Global Arms Trade (1950 – 2019), MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
32- Sara Jud, (2017), The 2015 Immigration Knot Between the European Union and the Balkans, MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University, June.
31- Tolgahan Akdan, (2014), A Systemic Analysis of the Cold War and Turkey's Postwar Drive to the West, MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University, August
30- Samet Dönmez, (2014), Continuity and Change of the US Missile Defense Strategy in the Post-Cold War Era MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University, August
29- Elda Kurti, (2013), Albania's Quest for the EU Membership and the Prolonged Integratıon Process, MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University, August
28- Melda Akoğlu Şişman, (2013), The Economic and Financial Relations of Turkey with East European Countries (1990-2012), MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University, July
27- Nilay Karamollaoğlu, (2012), The Rise of Ataka in Bulgaria, MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University, (September)
26- Deniz Çıyan, (2012), The Evolution of the German Stance Towards European Security up Until the Treaty of Lisbon, MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University, (September)
25- Zahide Tuğba Şenterzi, (2012), Visegrad Group Facing the Nord Stream And South Stream Gas Pipeline Projects, MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University, (August)
24- Kübra Türk, (2012), Testing the EU-NATO Relations Through the Case of Afghanıstan (2001-2011), MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University, (June)
23- Muzaffer Küçük, (2011), Competition over World's Oil Resources and the Reproduction of the US Hegemony, MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
22- Berkay Gülen, (2011), The Two U.S. Think Tanks on Turkey: The Brookings Institution and the Council on Foreign Relations' Perceptions on JDP's Foreign Policy, (2002-2010), MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
21- Olesya Özkan, (2010), The Transformation of the NATO-Russian Relations from Yeltsin to Putin-Medvedev Leadership between 1991 and 2009, MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
20- Almula Türedi, (2008), The European Neighbourhood Policy towards Lebanon: Expansion without Further Enlargement, MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
19- Paul Meinshausen, (2008), Reconceptualizing the Relationship between the International Community and the Nationalist Parties in Bosnia-Herzegovina. MSc Thesis,Middle EastTechnicalUniversity.
18- Burcu Topkaya (2007), Competing and Shifting Hegemonic Discourses: the Turkey-EU Relations between 1999 and 2005, MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
17- Engin Yüksel (2007), Turkey's Responses in the Face of the Formation of European Security and Defense Policy MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
16- Burcu Özdemir (2006), Enlarging the EU Further Eastwards: The Prospective
EU Membership of the Westtern Balkans, MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
15- Leila Settar (2006), An Analysis of the Romanian Public Affairs Management in the Accession Process, MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
14- Torgay Doğan (2005), An Analysis of the Pan-European Transport Network, MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
13- Erdal Onat (2005), Tension and Cooperation in Transatlantic Relations with Regard to Iraq. MSc Thesis,Middle EastTechnicalUniversity.
12- Alpay Öztürk (2005) The Evolution of the Minority Rights and the Continuity and Change of the Greek Minority Policies in Western Thrace. MSc Thesis,Middle EastTechnicalUniversity.
11- Zehra Eroğlu (2005) Turkish Foreign Policy Towards the Balkans in the Post-Cold War Era. MSc Thesis,Middle EastTechnicalUniversity.
10- Sinan Kuzum, (2004) The Making of the Visegrad Initiative: Crisis and Survival, MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
9- Merve Uslu, (2004) The Development of Common European Security and Defence Policy (CESDP): Before and After Saint Malo Declaration. MSc Thesis,Middle EastTechnicalUniversity.
8- Tahir Tahir, (2003) Minority Policies inBulgaria: Continuity and Change. MSc Thesis,Middle EastTechnicalUniversity.
7- Selver Buldanlıoğlu, (2003) The Dismemberment of Yugoslavia and the Emergence of a New Interventionism. MSc Thesis,Middle EastTechnicalUniversity.
6- Füsun Doğan Aramaz, (2001) Trends in NATO-Russia Relations: From Confrontation to Uneasy Coopertion. MSc Thesis,Middle EastTechnicalUniversity.
5- Ş. İnan Rüma, (2000)Macedonia's Post Yugoslav Part: Cycles of Crisis and Survival. MSc Thesis,Middle EastTechnicalUniversity.
4- D. Arıkan Açar, (2000)Albania: Anatomy of A Traumatic Transition. MSc Thesis,Middle EastTechnicalUniversity.
3- Sait Akşit, (1999), Political Economy of Transition and Integration Tendencies inPoland. MSc Thesis,Middle EastTechnicalUniversity.
2- Aslı Akdeniz (1999), Turkish Approach Towards the Refugee Problem: the Case of Bosnians. MSc Thesis,Middle EastTechnicalUniversity
1- Murat Tüzünkan, (1998), NATO's Extending Relations with East-Central European States: the Case of Hungary. MSc Thesis,Middle EastTechnicalUniversity
Mustafa Türkeş, Ulusçu Sol Bir Akım: Kadro Hareketi, (A Patriotic Leftist Current: The Cadre Movement) (İmge Yayınları: Ankara, 1999), (255 pages) (Awarded by Turkish Historical Society as the best book of the year 2000)
Kitap Editörlükleri
Mustafa Türkeş (Editor), The Centenary of the Balkan Wars (1912-1913): Contested Stances, Volume 1, TTK, Ankara, 2014, pp. (1-650).
Mustafa Türkeş (Editor), The Centenary of the Balkan Wars (1912-1913): Contested Stances, Volume 2, TTK, Ankara, 2014, pp. (651-1276)
Mustafa Türkeş (Editor), Turkish-Bulgarian Relations: Past and Present, (TASAM, Istanbul, 2010), (135 pages)
Mustafa Türkeş ve İlhan Uzgel (Editors) Türkiye'nin Komşuları, (Foreign Policies of Turkey's Neigbours) (İmge Yayınları: Ankara, 2002).
Editor of Speacial Issues
Joachim Becker, Oktar Türel and Mustafa Türkeş (Editors), Financialisation, Crisis, Social Protests and Developmental Alternatives in Southeast Europe, METU Studies in Development, 41/3 December 2014, pp. (259-504)
Mustafa Türkeş (Editor), Transition from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic METU Studies in Development, 39/1 April 2012, pp. (1-178)
(2023) “Uluslararası Düzen ve Kemalist Kalkınma Stratejisi Üzerine Bazı Düşünceler 1923-1938)”, Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 22, Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılı, ss. 453-477.
(2023) “Kemalism revisited”, METU Studies In Development, 50/1, pp.1-28.
(2023) “Uluslararası Düzen Değişimine Ulusal Yanıt: Cumhuriyet,” 100. Yılında Cumhuriyet, Cumhuriyet Erdemdir, Ankara: T.C. Ankara Büyükşehir Belediyesi Yayınları, ss.233-252.
(2022) Mustafa Türkeş and Coşkun Soysal, “A Cul de Sac in American Relations under the Trump Presidency”, in Donald J. Trump, The 45th U.S. Presidency and Beyond: International Perspectives, J. Dixon, M. J. Skidmore, Editor, Westphalia Press, Washington, pp.341-372.
(2018) Mustafa Türkeş and Tolgahan Akdan, "Stillborn Optimism in Turkey: The Trump Presidency", in Donald J. Trump's Presidency In ternational Perspectives, Edited by John Dixon and Max J. Skidmore, Washington, DC: Westphalia Press, 2018), pp. 271-290
(2017) "A Deal between EU and Turkey on Matters of the Refugee, Readmission and Visa Liberalisation." History of Global Arms Transfer 1, no. 3 (2017): 31–9.
(2016) "The EU's Western Balkan Strategy: Forms and Essence", in Republika Turcji: Polityka Zagraniczna I Wewnetrzna, ed. Karol Bieniek (Krakow, 2016), pp. 53-69.
(2016), "Decomposing Neo-Ottoman Hegemony, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies", 18/3, pp. (191-216).
(2016) Mustafa Türkeş and Tolgahan Akdan, "Modernization Approach and the Failed Transition in the Western Balkans", in Laboratory Western Balkans Regime Cha(lle)nge, Edited by Can Zeyrek, (Frankfurt am Main, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien), 2016, pp. (46-58) total 152 page
(2016) "Die Außenpolitik der türkischen AKP im Nahen Osten vor und nach dem „arabischen Frühling", Translated to German by Joachim Becker, Kurswechsel, 3, pp. (103-109).
(2015) "Reading the First World War", Journal of Military History Studies, 25, 2015, pp. 29-38.
(2015) "Balkanlar'da Güvenlik ve İstikrar Arayışları: Sorunlar Dönüşüyor", Yeni Türkiye, Rumeli-Balkanlar Özel Sayı, 70/2015, ss. (6066-6075).
(2014) Joachim Becker, Oktar Türel and Mustafa Türkeş, "Introduction: Financıalisation, Crisis, Social Protests and Development Alternatives in Southeast Europe", in METU Studies in Development, 41/3 December 2014, pp. (i-iv)
(2012) Mustafa Türkeş, Ş. İnan Rüma, Sait Akşit ve D. Arıkan Açar, "Kriz Sarmalında Bosna-Hersek: "Devlet Krizi"", (Cycles of Crises in Bosnia-Herzegovina: the 'State Crisis', Boğaziçi Üniversitesi-TÜSİAD Dış Politika Forumu Araştırma Raporu DPF 2012-RR 02, ss. (1-55)
(2012) "Giriş: Kuş Bakışı Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'ndan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'ne Geçiş" (Introduction: Bird's Eye View on Transition from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic), ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, 39/1 Nisan 2012, ss. (1-25)
(2012) "Soğuk Savaş Sonrası Dönemde Balkanlar'da Güvenlik ve İstikrar Arayışları: Kalıcı İstikrar Niçin Sağlanamıyor?", (Quest for Security and Stability in the Post-Cold War Balkans: Why is There No Maximized Stability?) Balkan Savaşlarının 100. Yılı, Uluslararası Balkan Sempozyumu Bildiriler, 11-13 Mayıs 2012, (İstanbul, 2012), ss. (298-307)
(2012) "Transformation of the Problems in the Balkans: Cul-de-sac" in A Future Security Architecture for Southeast Europe-Framing the Issues, Edited by, Valeska Esch, Juliane Kabus, Charles King Mallory IV, (Berlin, 2012), pp. (55-59)
(2011) Book Review on Studies in Atatürk's Turkey, the American Dimension, Turkish Historical Review 2 (2011), pp. (90–93)
(2010) "Türk Dış Politikasında Bölgesel Meseleler ve Obama Yönetiminin Olası Politikaları: Açmazlar ve Açılımlar", (regional Issues in Turkish Foreign Policy and Obama Administration's Possible Policies) Editörler, B. Dinçer, H. Özdal ve H. Necefoğlu, Yeni Dönemde Türk Dış Politikası, (USAK, Ankara), ss.(67-75)
(2010) "Dış Politika Sadece Güvenlik Konularından İbaret Değildir", Editörler: H. Özdal, O. B. Dinçer ve M. Yeğin, Mülakatlarla Türk Dış Politikası, Cilt 2, (USAK, Ankara), ss. (247-276)
(2008) "Türkiye'nin Balkan Politikasında Devamlılık ve Değişim", (Continuity and Change in Turkish Foreign Policy Towards the Balkans) Avrasya Dosyası, 14/1, 2008, ss.(253-280).
(2007) Mustafa Türkeş and Sait Akşit, "International Engagement, Transformation of the Kosova Question and Its Implications", The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations, 38, 2007. ss.(79-114)
(2007) "Cycles of Transformation of the CyprusQuestion", in Contentious Issues of Security and the Future of Turkey, Edited by Nurşin Ateşoğlu-Güney, (Ashgate:London) ss. (159-176)
(2006) "Transformation of the Problems in Macedonia", A Bridge between Cultures, Studies on Ottoman and Republican Turkey in Memory of Ali İhsan Bağış, Edited by Sinan Kuneralp, (The ISIS Press:Istanbul), ss. (283-294)
(2006) "Contested Hegemonies in the Black Sea Region", Current Problems of International Relations, Edited by L. V. Hubersky, Volume 61, part 1, (Kiev National University "Taras Shevchenko" Institute of International Relations: Kiev), ss. (33-38)
(2006) Mustafa Türkeş and Göksu Gökgöz, "The EU's Strategy Towards the Western Balkans: Exclusion or Integration?" East European Politics and Societies, (EEPS) 20/4, pp.(659-690)
(2005) "New vs Old Europe: Contested Hegemonies and the EEC's Dual-guarantee Strategy", International Problems, 57/3, 2005, pp. (229-244)
(2004) "The 2004 Enlargement, the 'Stumbling Block' and the Parameters for a New Enhanced-embracing Strategy for South Eastern Europe", in The European Union after 1 May 2004: Is There a Shock from Enlargement? Implications for South Eastern Europe and for the Enlarged Union, Edited by Krassimir Y. NIKOLOV, (Sofia: Bulgarian European Community Studies Association (BECSA), 2004), pp. (213-222).
(2004) "Turkish Foreign Policy towards the Balkans: Quest for Enduring Stability and Security" in Turkish Foreign Policy in Post Cold War Era, Edited by İdris Bal, (BrownWalker Press; USA), pp.(198-210)
(2004) "The Double Process: Transition and Integration and Its Impact on the Balkans" in Towards Non-violence and Dialogue Culture in Southeast Europe, Edited by Petar-Emil Mitev and James Riordan, (Iztok-Zapad Publishing House, Sofia) pp.(13-28)
(2004) "Reflections on the EU Strategy Paper 2003: Two Approaches, Moving Conditions and A New Juncture", by Mustafa Türkeş and Göksu Gökgöz, Perceptions, Journal of International Affairs, 9/1, March-May 2004
(2004) "NATO Bağlamında ABD-Türkiye İlişkilerinde Devamlılık ve Değişim", (Continuity and Change in Turkish US Relations within the Context of NATO)
Türk Dış Politikasının Analizi, Derleyen Faruk Sönmezoğlu, 3. Baskı.
(2002) "Geçiş Sürecinde Dış Politika Öncelikleri: Bulgaristan Örneği", (Foreign Policy Priorities of Transtion Countries: the Case of Bulgaria) Türkiye'nin
Komşuları, Derleyenler, Mustafa Türkeş ve İlhan Uzgel (İmge Yayınları: Ankara, 2002)
(2001) "A Patriotic Leftist Development Strategy Proposal in Turkey in the 1930s: The Case of the Kadro (Cadre) Movement, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 33(2001) pp. (91-114).
(2001) "The Balkans in Turkey's Security Enviroment", by Ali Hikmet Alp and Mustafa Türkeş, Turkish Review of Balkan Studies, Annual, 6, 2001 pp.(123-1449)
(2001) "Kadro Degisi", Modern Türkiye'de Siyasi Düşünce, Kemalizm, 2, (İletişim Yayınları; İstanbul), ss.(464-476).
(1999) "The Ideology of the Kadro (Cadre) Movement: A Patriotic Leftist Movement in Turkey" in Turkey Before and After Atatürk Internal And External Affairs, Edited by Sylvia Kedourie, Frank Casss,London), pp.(92-119). (Reprint Bkz Aşağıda 1998 MES)
(1999) "Aspects of the Relations between Turkey and Bosnia-Herzegovina", Bosnian Paradigm (Sarajevo)
(1999) "Atatürk Döneminde Türkiye'nin Bölgesel Dış Politikaları (1923-1938)", Atatürkçülük ve Modern Türkiye, SBF Yayınları, ss. (129-142).
(1998) "Birinci Meclis Döneminde Dış Politika", Birinci Meclis, Editör, Doç. Dr. Cemil Koçak, (Sabancı Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul) ss.(189-203)
(1998) "The Ideology of the Kadro (Cadre) Movement: A Patriotic Leftist Movement in Turkey", in Middle Eastern Studies, 34/4, 1998, pp.(92-119)
(1998) "A Critique of Studies of the Kadro (Cadre) Movement", ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, 25/4, pp.(663-668).
(1998) "Doksanlı Yıllarda NATO'nun Öncelikleri ve Türkiye", En Uzun Onyıl, Derleyenler, Gencer Özcan, Şule Kut, (Boyut Kitapları, İstanbul), ss. (199-224).
(1998) "Geçiş Sürecinde Krizden İsyana: Arnavutluk Örneği", Dış Politika Enstitüsü Dergisi Monogramlar Serisi II, (Dış Politika Enstitüsü, Ankara), ss. 43-57.
(1997), "Türkiye Avrupa İlişkilerinde Balkanlar Faktörü ve Yeni Eğilimler", Türkiye ve Avrupa, Yayıma Hazırlayan, Atila Eralp, (Imge Yayınları, Ankara), ss.305-349
(1996), "Kadro Hareketi ile İlgili Düşünceler", Mürekkep, Sayı 6/1996 Kış/Bahar, ss.(25-30).
(1995), "Bosna-Hersek Problemi: Londra Konferansı (1992) Ve Siyasi Sonuçları", Prof. Abdurrahman Çaycıya Armağan, (Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara), ss. (469-482).
(1994), "Balkanlarda Azınlıklar ve İlgili Problemler Konferansı ve Düşünceler", Tarih Çevresi, 12., ss.(25-30)
(1994), "The Balkan Pact and Its Immediate Implications for the Balkan States", Middle Eastern Studies, 30/1. pp.(123-144)
Organize Edilen Uluslararası Konferanslar
Mustafa Türkeş and Joachim Becker (Organizers), Financialisation, Crisis, Social Protests and Development Alternatives in Southeast Europe, METU, 14-15 February 2014
Mustafa Türkeş (Organizer), The Centenary of the Balkan Wars (1912-1913): Contested Stances, METU, 23-24 May 2013
Mustafa Türkeş and Joachim Becker (Organizers), Financialisation, Crisis, Social Protests and Development Alternatives in Southeast Europe, METU, 14-15 February 2014
Katıldığı Uluslararası Konferanslar
(2014) "The EU's Western Balkan Strategy: Essence and Forms of Tailored and Indirect Conditionality in Times of Contraction", Paper submitted to the conference on Turkey and the European Union in the 20th and 21st century Kraków, June 5-6, 2014
(2013) "The International Orders and the Regional Formations in the Balkans before and after the WWI", International Conference on The First World War and Its Impact on the Balkans and Eurasia, 17-18 September 2013, Sofia University, Bulgaria
(2011) "Northern Cyprus and the Cases in the Balkans: Comparison, Contrast and Continuity" Internatıonal Conference on Balkan and North Cyprus Relations: Perspectives in Political, Economic and Strategic Issues, A Two Day Conference on March 17-18, 2011, at Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus
(2011) Oturum Başkanı, Balkan Paktı Paneli, VII.Uluslararası Atatürk Kongresi, Ekim 2011- Makadonya
(2010) "The Double Demise and the Voice of Victims", The International Expert Symposium: "Dissolution of Yugoslavia: processes, causes and position of Bosnia and Herzegovina seen from the perspective of Alija Izetbegovic political leadership" in Sarajevo, December 3-5, 2010.
(2010), "Bölgesel İşbirliği Süreçlerinde Güneydoğu Avrupa İşbirliği Süreci'nin Yeri, Kapsamı ve Sorunları Üzerine Düşünceler", Türkiye ve Balkanlar Dostluk ve İşbirliği Konferansı, İstanbul, 20 Mayıs 2010.
(2007) "South East Europe from a Turkish Perspective", Conference on Neighbourhood of Turkey, 5 June 2007, Berlin.
(2007) "The Cyprus Question: Cycles of Failures, Why?" The Conference: Security in a Changing World: Discourses, Challenges and Realities" Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, March 9, 2007, İstanbul.
(2004) "New versus Old Europe in the Making of European Security: Collusion in Europe or Quest for?" SGIR Fifth Pan-European International Relations Conference,The Hague, 9-11 September 2004 (Electronic Proceeding)
(2002) "Globalisation and Integration Tendencies in the Balkans", International Conference Non-Violence and Dialogue Culture Among the Younger Generation-Pathway to Ethnic Peace in Southeastern Europe, Sofia, Hotel "Rodina", 21 – 22 September 2002
(2000) "Some Observation: Legacy, Hesitation and Cooperation in the Balkans", Workshop, The Ottoman Legacy in the Reshaping of Politics and Identities in the Balkan Societies, 16-17 June 2000, French Institute for Anatolian Studies, Istanbul.
(1999) "A Turkish View on the Security Perceptions and Hindrances in Southeastern Europe: the Case of NATO", Security and Reconstruction of Southeastern Europe: A Policy Outlook from the Region, 24-26 September 1999, Varna, Bulgaria.
(1999) "Some Considerations on the Question of Ethno-cultural Dialogue in Southeastern Europe: Perceptions and Hindrances" International Conference on "Balkan Ethno-cultural Dialogue and the World Peace, 6-9 July, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
(1998) "The Features of Future Relations between Turkey and Bosnia-Herzegovina", Conference on Bosnian Paradigm, International Forum, 18-21 November 1998, Sarajevo.
(1996), "The Political and Security Challenges in East-Central Europe and Its Implications for Turkey", Paper Delivered at MESA 21-24 November 1996, Providence, Rhode Island.
Katıldığı Ulusal Konferanslar
(2011) Tartışmacı, "Nato'nun Yeni Stratejik Konsepti ve Türkiye'nin Güvenliği Tartışması", Yaşar Üniversitesi, Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü, Nato Güvenlik Çalıştayı 21 Mayıs 2011, İzmir
(2010) "Bölgesel İşbirliği Süreçlerinde Güneydoğu Avrupa İşbirliği Süreci'nin Yeri, Kapsamı ve Teorik Bağlamı Üzerine Düşünceler" Türkiye-Balkanlar, Dostluk ve İşbirliği Sempozyumu, 20-21 Maysı 2010, İstanbul Üniversitesi
(2009) "Sosyal Bilimlerde Çalışılan Konuların Dünü, Bugünü ve Geleceği" (Prof. Dr. Mustafa Türkeş, Nevin Solak, ve Funda Öztürk), 11. Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 9-11 Aralık 2009
(2009) 56. Oturum Başkanı: Değişen Ortadoğu ve Türkiye II, 11. Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 9-11 Aralık 2009
(2009) "Türk Dış politikasında Bölgesel Meseleler" 4. Uluslararası Türk Dış Politikası Sempozyumu: Türk Dış Politikasında Yön Arayışları, 29-30 Nisan 2009, Kars Kafkas Universitesi.
(2009) "Küresel/Bölgesel/Yerel Dönüşüm Diyalektiğinde Türkiye-Balkan Ülkeleri İlişkilerini Kavramak ve Tasarlamak", 2. Uluslararası Balkan Kongresi "Balkanlar'da Sosyoekonomik İşbirliği ve Kalkınma", 25-26 Nisan 2009, Tekirdağ.
(2009) "AB Katılım Sürecinde Batı Balkanlar ve Türk Topluluklarının Geleceği", 23 Nisan Kosova Türkleri Milli Bayramı Kutlamaları, Prizren, 23 Nisan 2009.
(2005) "Yeni Dönemde Türkiye-AB İlişkileri Nasıl Sürdürülecek", Ekonomik Büyüme ve AB İlişkileri Türkiye Nereye, Korkut Boratav, Oktar Türel, Erinç Yeldan, Mustafa Türkeş, (ÜPV Yayınları Ankara 2005).
(2005) "The EU and the Balkans: Open-endeddness of the Integration Strategy", Conference on Turkey, Germany and the Balkan Countries, organized by Turkish Foereign Policy Institute and SÜDOSTEUROPA GESELLSCHAFT at Pamukkale Universitesi, 1-14 November 2005, Denizli
(2005) 9. Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 4. Oturum Başkanı: Uluslararası İlişkilerde Yeni Güvenlik Anlayışları, Türk Sosyal Bilimler Derneği, 7-9 Aralık 2005
(2003) "Tarihsel ve Güncel Boyutlarıyla Uluslararası Müdahale Döngüleri", Türk Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 58. Oturum. 5 aralık 2003
(2002) "Yuvarlak Masa: Türk Dış Politikasında Yol Ayrımı", Katılanlar: Yıldırım Koç, İlhan Uzgel, Mustafa Türkeş, Erel Tellal, Mülkiye 26/234, Mayıs-Haziran, ss. (69-98).
(1998) "Atatürk Döneminde Türkiye'nin Bölgesel Dış Politikaları 1923-1938", Uluslararsı Konferans, Atatürkçülük ve Modern Türkiye, 22-23 Ekim 1998, Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi.
(1998) "Avrupa Güvenlik Mimarisinin Oluşumunda Türkiye NATO İlişkileri", Marmara Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi, 55.Hükümet ve Dış Politika Konulu Konferans, 22 Mayıs 1998.
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Tamamladığı Araştırma Projeleri
BAP Projesi (2007), "Kıbrıs Sorununun Dönüşümü"
BAP Projesi (2006), "AB'nin Komşuluk Politikası: Ukrayna"
BAP Projesi (2006), "Parlamento'nun Kurulum Aşamasında Afganistan Örneği"
BAP Projesi (2005), "Arnavutluk Dış Politikası Kıskaç Döngüsü"
BAP Projesi (2005), "Polonya'da Dönüşüm Süreci ve AB Üyeliği"
BAP Projesi, (2004), "Dönüşüm Sürecinde Uluslararası Faktörler Çerçevesinde Romanya Örneği Analizi"
BAP Projesi (2004), "Uluslararası Örgütlerin Balkanlardaki Devlet Oluşturulması Sürecindeki Rolleri"
ÖYP Projesi (2003), "Uluslararası İlişkilerde Uluslararası Örgütlerin Rolleri: AGİT Örneği"
BAP Proje: (2002) "Doğu Avrupa Örneğinde 'Conditionality' Tartışmaları ve Uygulamaları"
AFP Projesi (1996) "Balkan Ülkelerinin Avrupa Güvenlik Sistemine Entegrasyon Çabaları ve Türkiye'nin Tutumu 1990-1995"