Meliha Altunışık

Prof. Dr. Meliha Altunışık
Oda No:
Tel No:
+90 (312) 210-3096
Fax No:
+90 (312) 210-7983
Öğrenim Bilgileri:
Ph.D. Boston University
Araştırma Alanları:
Politics of the Middle East, Turkey and the Middle East, International Political Economy of Oil, The Politics of Caspian Oil
Seçili Yayınları:
2015. "The AKP's Middle East Policy: Amidst Regional and Domestic Challenges." In: Valeria Talbot (ed) The Uncertain Path of the 'New Turkey'. Milan: ISPI.
2014. "Turkey's 'Return' to the Middle East." In: Henner Fürtig (ed) Regional Powers in the Middle East: New Constellations after the Arab Revolts. UK: Palgrave.
2014. "Geopolitical Representations of Turkey's Cuspness: Discourse and Practice." In: Marc Herzog and Philip Robins (eds) The Role, Position and Agency of Cusp States in International Relations (Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics). UK: Routledge.
2014. Turkey as an 'Emerging Donor' and the Arab Uprisings. Mediterranean Politics Vol. 19. No. 3. p. 333-350.
2014. Rentier State Theory and the Arab Uprisings. Uluslararası İlişkiler (International Relations) Vol. 11. No. 42. p. 75-91.
2013. The Middle East in Turkey-USA Relations: Managing the Alliance. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies Vol. 15. No. 2. p. 157-73.
2013. "The Transformation of Turkey-Syria Relations: Regionalist Explanation." In: Raymond Hinnebusch and Ozlem Tur (eds) Turkey-Syria Relations: Between Enmity and Amity. UK: Ashgate Publishing.
2013. (with Emiliano Alessandri) Unfinished Transitions: Challenges and Opportunities of the EU's and Turkey's Responses to the 'Arab Spring'. Working Paper. IAI, Mercator, IPC.
2012. Bitter Frenemies: The Not-Quite Alliance between Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Foreign Affairs. web-only, snapshot. 15 May.
2011. Making Sense of Turkish Foreign Policy in the Middle East Under AKP (with Lenore B. Martin). Special issue on Turkish Foreign Policy in the Middle East edited by Meliha Altunisik and Lenore Martin. Turkish Studies. Vol. 12. No. 4. December. p. 569-87 (SSCI).
2010. Turkey's Third Party Role in the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Towards a coherent third party intervention strategy? (with Esra Cuhadar). Mediterranean Politics. November. Vol. 15. Issue 3. p. 371-92 (SSCI).
2010. Turkey: Arab Perspectives. Monograph. Istanbul: TESEV Publications. 30p.
2009. 'Worldviews and Turkish Foreign Policy in the Middle East,' Special Issue on Turkish Foreign Policy, New Perspectives on Turkey, Vol. 40, pp. 169-192.
2008. 'The EU Foreign Policy and Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: How much of an actor?' European Security, Vol. 17, No.1, pp.105-121.
2007. Lübnan Krizi: Nedenleri ve Sonuçları (Lebanese Crisis: Causes and Consequences) Booklet, Istanbul: TESEV Yayınları, 30 p.
2005. Turkey: Challenges of Continuity and Change, (with Ozlem Tur), The Contemporary Middle East Book Series, UK: Routledge/Curzon.
2006. 'From Distant Neighbours to Partners? Changing Syrian-Turkish Relations'(with Ozlem Tür) Security Dialogue, Vol. 37, No.2, June.
2006. 'Turkey's Iraq Policy: The War and Beyond,' Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Vol. 14, No. 2, August, pp. 183-196.
2005. 'The Turkish Model and Democratization in the Middle East,' Arab Studies Quarterly, Vol. 27, Nos. 1 and 2, Winter and Spring 2005.
2004. 'Turkish-US Security Relations: The Middle East Dimension,' in M. Aydin and C. Erhan (eds) Turkish-American Relations: 200 years of Divergence and Convergence, UK: Routledge, 2004.
2000- 'Turkish-Israeli Rapprochement in the Post Cold War Era,' Middle Eastern Studies, April 2000, vol. 30, no. 2.