Prof. Dr. Işık Kuşçu Bonnenfant

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Tel No: 

+90 (312) 210-2040

Fax No: 

+90 (312) 210-7983



Personal website


BA, Hacettepe University, MA, METU, MA/PhD Indiana University

Research Interests: 

Former Soviet Republics, Central Asia, Nation and State Building, Democratization, Migration, Diaspora, Nationalism, Peace and Conflict Studies

Courses / Laboratories:

3140206 Introduction to International Relations

3140223 Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies

3140326 International Organization

3140354 Politics of Diaspora

8350502 Politics of State Building in Eurasia

8350509 Introduction to Post-Soviet Politics

3140681 State Building and Nation Building in the Post-Soviet Space


Books and Chapters in Books:

Constructing the Uyghur Diaspora: Identity Politics and the Transnational Uyghur Community, in Konuralp Ercilasun (ed.) The Uyghur Community: Diaspora, Identity and Geopolitics, (New York: Palgrave Macmillan) (forthcoming).

Kazakistan: İç Politika in Turgut Demirtepe, Murat Yılmaz (eds.)Türk Cumhuriyetleri ve Toplulukları Yıllığı 2013, (Ahmet Yesevi University Publications, 2015), 72-84.

Kazakistan: Dış Politika in Turgut Demirtepe, Murat Yılmaz (eds.)Türk Cumhuriyetleri ve Toplulukları Yıllığı 2013, (Ahmet Yesevi University Publications, 2015), 85-98.

Kazakistan:Ekonomi in Turgut Demirtepe, Murat Yılmaz (eds.)Türk Cumhuriyetleri ve Toplulukları Yıllığı 2013, (Ahmet Yesevi University Publications, 2015), 99-111.

Kırım'ın Rusya'ya Katılımının Bölgesel ve Küresel Düzeyde Etkileri, in Hasret Çomak, vd. (eds) Uluslararası Politikada Ukrayna Krizi, (İstanbul: Beta Yayınları: 2014), 309-334.

Kazakistan'da Ulus İnşası Sürecinde Ethnik Geri Dönüş Göçü Siyaseti ve Etkileri in Turgut Demirtepe (ed.) Orta Asya'da Siyaset ve Toplum: Demokrasi, Etnisite ve Kimlik (Ankara: Usak Publications, 2012), 175-207.

The Case of Kazakhstan´s Oralmans: Disillusionment with the Homeland in Published Conference Proceedings of the International Conference on Kaldyrbaev Monuments, 16-18 May 2007, Aktobe-Kazakhstan (Aktobe: Aktobe Governorate Publications 2007), 324-328.

Psychology and International Relations co-edited with Erol Goka, (Ankara: ASAM Publications, 2002), 1-285.

The Future of Turkish-Western Relations, (Ankara: ASAM Publications,2001), translated from the original by Zalmay Khalilzad; Ian O. Lesser and F. Stephen Larrabee (Santa Monica, CA: Rand Publications: 2000) 1-102.


"Changing Perception of Homeland for the Kazakh Diaspora" Nationalities Papers, Vol: 44 (3), 2016, 380-396.

"Bağımsız Kazakistan'da Eğitim ve Sağlık: Sorunlar, Reform Süreci ve Uluslararası Aktörlerin Rolü" Orta Asya ve Kafkasya Araştırmaları (OAKA) Dergisi, Vol.9 (18), December 2014, 23-46.

"Normative Power Europe in Central Asia: The Case of Kazakhstan" Yearbook of Politics and International Relations, Vol.6, 2014, 127-154.

"The Uyghur Diaspora in Cyberspace: Identity and the Homeland Cause" Bilig: Türk Dünyası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Issue: 69 (Spring 2014), 143-160.

"The Public Debate Surrounding the Ethnic Return Migration Policy in Kazakhstan" International Migration, Vol.52 (2), April 2014, 178-197.

"The Origins of Uyghur Long Distance Nationalism: The First Generation Uyghur Diaspora in Turkey" Orta Asya ve Kafkasya Araştırmaları (OAKA) Dergisi, Vol.8 (16), 2013, 73-94.

"The Egyptian American Diaspora during and in the Aftermath of the Egyptian Revolution of 2011" Ortadoğu Etüdleri, Vol.4, No.1, July 2012, 121-142.

"Constructing the Homeland: Kazakhstan's Discourse and Policies surrounding its Ethnic Return Migration Policy" Central Asian Survey, Vol.31, No: 1, March 2012, 31-44.

"Eurasian Studies in Turkey" with Ayşe Güneş- Ayata and Hayriye Kahveci Central Eurasian Studies Review, Vol. 3(2) (Spring 2004), 2-10.

Review Articles and Book Reviews:

Review of the Book by Anthony Gorman and Sossie Kasbarian (eds.) Diasporas of the Modern Middle East: Contextualizing Community (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2015). International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Vol.48 (2016), 592-594.

Review of the Book by Thomas W. Simons, Jr. Eurasia's New Frontiers: Young States, Old Societies, Open Futures" Europe-Asia Studies, Vol.62, No: 3, May 2010, 539-541.

Review on 2nd METU Conference on International Relations, Central Eurasian Studies Review, Volume 2, Number 3 (Spring 2003) with Hayriye Kahveci, 28-30.

Last Updated:
13/03/2024 - 11:17