İhsan Dağı

Prof. Dr. İhsan Dağı
Room No:
Tel No:
+90 (312) 210-3095
Fax No:
+90 (312) 210-7983
B.A. University of Gazi; M.A. University of Lancaster; Ph.D. University of Lancaster
Research Interests:
Human rights, human rights and world politics, human rights and Turkey-EU relations, Democratization in Turkey, Islam and politics in the Middle East, Islam and politics in Turkey.
"Turkey's AKP in Power", Journal of Democracy, Vol. 19, No.3, July 2008.
Turkey between Democracy and Militarism, (Orion, Ankara, 2008).
"Beyond the Clash of Civilizations: The Rapprochement of Turkish Islamic Elite with the West" in Clash or Cooperation of Civilization? Overlapping Integration and Identities, Ed. W. Zank (Ashgate, 2009).
'The Justice and Development Party: Identity, Politics, and Discourse of Human Rights in the Search for Security and Legitimacy', in The Emergence of A New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party, Ed. H. Yavuz, (Salt Lake City: Utah University Press, 2006).
"Transformation of Islamic Political Identity in Turkey: Rethinking the West and Westernization", Turkish Studies, Vol.6, No.1, 2005.
"Transformation of Turkish Politics and the European Union: Dimensions of Human Rights and Democratization", Turkey, Greece and Cyprus: Security Across the Borderlines of a New Europe, Ed. B. Gokay, Staffs, Keele European Research Center, 2004.
"Rethinking Human Rights, Democracy and the West: Post-Islamist Intellectuals in Turkey", Critique: Critical Middle Eastern Studies, Vol.13, No.2, 2004.
'Human Rights and International Security: The Challenge for NATO in the Mediterranean', Mediterranean Quarterly: Journal of Global Issues, Vol. 13, No.2, 2002.
'Human Rights and Democratization: Turkish Politics in the European Context', Journal of Southern Europe and Black Sea Studies, Vol. 1, No.3, 2001.
"Human Rights, Democratization and the European Community in Turkish Politics: The Ozal Years, 1983-1987", Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 37, No.1, 2001.
"Human Rights, Foreign Policy and the Question of Intervention", Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs, Vol.6, No.2, 2001.
"Democratic Transition in Turkey: The Impact of European Diplomacy", Middle Eastern Studies, Vol.32, No.2, 1996, pp.124-141. Reprinted in S.Kedouri (ed.) Turkey: Identity, Democracy, Politics,London: Frank Cass, 1997.